Auto Ratings

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Sorl Auto Parts (NASDAQ:SORL) was upgraded by Zacks from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note issued on Wednesday, Analyst Ratings Net reports. According to Zacks, “Sorl Auto Parts specializes in the development, production and In the following list, we've used Kelley Blue Book to give the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) for each car. The primary reason not to use manufacturers' websites is that these have already switched to 2016 models. Fuel economy ratings were Compared with October 2007, fuel economy ratings on new cars sold has improved by 4.9 miles per gallon, or more than 24%. The data are based on the average sales-weighted fuel-economy rating printed on a new car’s window sticker and are compiled by To get a free copy of Zacks’ research report on U.S. Auto Parts Network (PRTS), click here. For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Receive News & Ratings for U.S. Auto Parts Network Daily - Enter The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said automatic braking will be added to the ratings beginning with 2018 model cars. The agency announced in September that it had reached voluntary agreements with 10 automakers to include the technology Apple is preparing to ship the fourth-generation Apple TV at the end of this month, and if you’re a car fan, we may have one more reason to throw down for a pre-order. has announced Edmunds TV, a car-centric app that will consolidate vehicle .

sports cars and big SUVs, big and small. The one thing they have in common: their owners have to spend a lot of time taking them into mechanics because of mechanisms that don't work right. Consumer Reports magazine created the ratings, which hit this week The internet makes car research easy. "Most of our customers nowadays are internet savvy, and they spend several hours researching models," said Rizzuto. And just as reviews for cars can be found online, so can dealerships. "It's equally important to do The platform has been released in a beta stage and is currently inviting car rental software providers to have their users leave reviews and feedback on their experiences with the software. Feedback is used with the algorithm in order to determine how For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Receive News & Ratings for U.S. Auto Parts Network Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts .

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